
Email your MP: you can
help protect the Antarctic

Email your MP: you can
help protect the Antarctic

In October, the Antarctic Ocean Commission will come together to make a decision on protecting the Antarctic. An Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary would create a haven for marine wildlife like whales, seals and penguins.

But an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary will only become a reality if all 25 governments on the Commission give it the green light.

Luckily, UK ministers have publicly backed the creation of a Sanctuary. But now we need them to help get Antarctic protection on the global agenda.

The more MPs that are vocal about their support for an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary, the more likely Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and the Foreign Office will prioritise protecting the Antarctic - and encourage other countries to do the same.

Can you email your MP and ask them to call on the Foreign Secretary to make an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary a diplomatic priority?


Start here. Enter in your details (including your postcode). After you click 'Get Started' your email to your MP will appear. You can make it even more powerful by editing and adding in your own comments.

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